parenting hack - listening to what your child has to say so they feel heard

60 Second Parenting Hack


By Dr. Alyson Nerenberg, Here is a way to improve your parenting skills and is effective with all of your children no matter what age they are: Simply ask them one single question: “What could I do to be a better parent for you?” Or simply “How can I improve my parenting of you?”

By. Dr. Alyson Nerenberg,

Here is a way to improve your parenting skills and is effective with all of your children no matter what age they are: Simply ask them one single question: “What could I do to be a better parent for you?” Or simply “How can I improve my parenting of you?” Then look them in the eyes and listen. Nod your head and say, “Tell me more.”  Do not get defensive. No matter what they say to you, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, just listen. Everyone wants to be heard. The act of asking them this question shows you care and that their feedback to you matters.  It also forces you to be present in the moment and just connect. Give it a try and let me know what happens. 

Xoxo, Alyson