
  • Does Your Face Light Up?

    Does Your Face Light Up?

    One of the most important life lessons I have learned occurred while I was watching an old interview with Toni Morrison. Morrison described how when a child enters the room and looks to see her parents, what she is searching for is to see if their faces are lighting up. Are their eyes sparkling?  Do…


  • Finding Your Zen–For Meditation Flunkees

    Finding Your Zen–For Meditation Flunkees

    In 2020 there seems to be an unwritten rule that all holistic therapists are supposed to recommend  that their patients meditate. This recommendation has become so popular that it feels “on trend” like eating kale or suggesting yoga.  The goals of meditation are varied, but generally the purpose is to encourage our patients to “be…


  • The College Admissions Scandal

    The College Admissions Scandal

    In March of 2019, the country was outraged when two famous actresses, Lori Loughlin and Felocity Hoffman, were discovered to have cheated in the college admission process.  They paid college admissions coach, William (Rick) Singer to get their daughters into college unethically by helping them cheat on their college admissions test (SAT) as well as…


  • Keeping It Real

    Keeping It Real

    As a psychologist specializing in addictions and relationships, I need to make a full disclosure: I met my husband in a bar.  It was 26 years ago when we first locked eyes at Rock Lobster, a popular outdoor restaurant/bar on Delaware Avenue in Philadelphia.  We had an easy banter and although we had never met…


  • Navigating the Holidays

    Navigating the Holidays

    Coping with Toxic Family Members Yesterday one of my patients asked me “Are all families as dysfunctional as mine?” I looked at her with a smile on my face and shared one of my favorite quotes. “The only perfect families are the ones you don’t know.” What that sentiment was intended to imply was that…


  • Who sits at the table in your Boardroom?

    Who sits at the table in your Boardroom?

    “Who sits at the table in your boardroom?” I asked my handsome, elegantly dressed fortysomething year old patient. He looked at me with a confused expression on his face. He was a man in recovery from an addiction who was struggling with some difficult relationship decisions.  He is similar to many of the high functioning…